Before to start this article, I want to wish you my best wishes for this new year who begins and a good heath! This is the most important.

The famous review
I’m not good to do reviews. This year, there were both, good and bad things with one which was related to my health.
It allows me to learn a little bit about myself and my limits. Finally, it “forced” me to do what I wanted for a while – Take a break with social networks and devices. As well as resetting everything and then taking good habits!
It was also the year with big changes to the website. My portfolio is still online but I decided to mix my blog and my sketchbook into one entity. You can read more about this changement by reading the article « Big changes on Sketchbook by Tsukimori! ». I didn’t regret it at all because it saved me some times about technical and graphical updates. I can only focus on one graphic chart and not 2. It’s not negligible!

And finaly, it was a year full of twists and turns compared to my projects that have been going on for over a year! If all goes well, I could talk about it in a few months. It will be a big step in my professional and personal life.
A new year, decade… New goals!
Ahhh… This famous goals… It will take some courage to keep them for the long term! Just that, it’s a big challenge for all of us :p
It’s been a while since I posted on the blog. I just put few projects here (Halloween and Christmas) but since June it’s radio silence. For lack of time and because small worries.

After creating the foundations in 2019 with the move of my websites, I will try to write more often articles about my crushes, doing some tutorials and fiiiiiiinally set up projects related to Noru and Ryota!!! But they will no longer be alone… Surprise, surprise!
Another point.. I recently realized that the plugin to contact me worked half the time. I put a new one! So if you sent me an email and there is no reply from me, don’t hesitate to send it back to me.
On top of all that, the professional projects are starting to happen.
And the first is « Beyond Polaris the Shattering ». The second episode of Beyond Polaris where Serah Fei an Octavia landed on the mysterious mining colony Réah. It will be available exclusively on Amazon Prime video! I participate in the project as « Cinematographer » or « Director of photography ». In any case, we’re looking forward to offering it to you with the team! Here, there are the first images:

IMDb link : Beyond Polaris the Shattering (2020) – IMDb
Facebook page :
That’s all for this long article… Anyway, it’s nice to write again here! Thank you to those who took the time to read it and we’ll meet soon for new adventures!
I wish you again a great year and health in 2020! See ya!