Privacy Policy

Website manager

Kevin BARBIER aka Tsukimori.

The remarks made on the website represent only the opinion of the author.

All rights reserved. Reproduction of the content of this website in whole or in part is prohibited without the written permission of the author.

Depending on the articles, external links are available to other websites that are not my property and are here for informational purposes or for copyright reasons.
The use made of it engages only the responsibility of the person and not the author of the article.

Some articles are intended to promote artists. So all creations presented on these blog posts are the property of the respective creators. I bring the name of the artist and a link to his website or one of these social networks.

Web hosting.

The site is hosted by :

SAS au capital de 10 069 020 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
APE code 2620Z
TVA number : FR 22 424 761 419
The head office : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Protection and processing of personal data

Website traffic statistics are collected by Google Analytics and are for internal use only to track website frequentation.
The data collected by Google Analytics is kept for 14 months.

About the contact form, it is only used to contact me. The email address and your name are reserved to answer you.
Email exchanges are kept for one year to answer all your questions and to have a history of exchanges.

When you leave a comment on the website, the data entered in the comment form, but also your IP address and your name or pseudonym are collected to help us detect unwanted comments.
The comments are kept throughout the existence of the site.

No data are transferred or sold to third parties.

The entire website is stored on the servers of the host. Its coordinates are located at the beginning of this page.
An SSL certificate and a security plugin are installed on the website to ensure its security as well as data.

Moderation of the blog

All comments are moderated by myself.

Comments are under the responsibility of their respective authors.

Any defamatory and unlawful comments will be deleted immediately. (racism, pornography, pedophilies, aggressive, vulgar, etc.)

If you feel attacking, don’t hesitate to contact me immediately thanks to the contact form. The exchange will remain entirely private without disclosure of your data and I undertake to delete comments after consultation within 3 business days.

Deleting your data.

Know that you have a right to access, modify, rectify and delete your data. To make the request, just contact me through the contact form.