Visit Tower 27 of Belfort in Virtual Reality

On this blog I often put forward artists from different horizons that I appreciate. Whether in photo, 3D, design, etc. From today sometimes I’ll write about the different projects we have with the collective Kikaku Arts.

Use Virtual Reality for… learning purposes.

In the weeks or months to come, there will be some changes about my personal websites. But for the moment I share this article to tell you more about one of the projects we have: The Tower 27 !

Recently we did a live around this last on our Facebook page where I walked in the Tower. You must know that I am often the guinea pig in this kind of situation!

This is how we told you that you could visit Tower 27 without VR! For those who don’t know Belfort except for the Eurockéennes, Tower 27 is a tower of the Belfort’s citadel made by Vauban.

This is a technical demo to allow us to present the history of the city as well as technology! And this may change over time.

At my side, I can’t wait to deepen these new technologies more and more. Because beyond its use in the video game, they will add more interactivity in different fields such as education!

You can download the demo at this address.

Feel free to give your opinion and suggestions in comment.