Learn Korean with Talk to me in korean

Like the Japanese, I tried to find websites continuously updates about learning of Korean. By doing so, I stumbled on this website by chance when I was looking for French resources.

Small change of subject… I have the impression that resources for learning Korean in French are less common than for Japanese. Which can create a bit more important challenges for those wishing to learn the language independently.

Talk to me in Korean… What is it ?

Talk to me in korean is a website that allows you to learn Korean thanks to lessons in PDF combined with mp3 files. You can follow 9 lessons levels for free here.

With these lessons, you will be able to hold simple conversations in Korean on a more or less short time. This will depend on your practice whatsoever with these lessons and by practicing with people whom you can find thanks to this application.

Besides these different levels, Talk to me in korean is a complete website that offers thanks to the store several types of books that are made as well for the beginners and those who are confirmed.

TTMIK offers various VOD on Vimeo and regular videos on their YouTube channel !

What do I think ?

TTMIK is a very good website provided to speak English ! For those wishing to follow the courses given by the team, you must to read and understand a little. To reassure you, I’m not a big level in that language and I can get out and learn thanks to their courses.

Otherwise, Talk to me in Korean is a website that allows you to properly learn Korean with a friendly staff and a great selection of tools. Of course, you can content yourself with the free content that is proposed in 9 levels (PDF and MP3) and for those who want to go further and/or support the website, purchase the various books that are available in their shop.

Another point that is very interesting, the regular creation of video on YouTube !

And you ? What do you think ? If you have interesting websites, feel free to share them in the comments !!!

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